The Ghost of Mental Illness
The Ghost of Mental Illness by Ashton Hummler Do you believe in ghosts…? Spirits that roam the earth because they have unfinished business with the land of the living… What if I told you they were all around us, nearly everywhere you go, an apparition may be there lurking. Do you ever walk outside in a crowded area and feel a cold breeze blow almost through you? Or crawling on your skin, like that of a spider you could’ve sworn was on your leg… but when you look it was just your imagination. You can never be too vigilant, the last thing you’d want is to get caught off guard by a threat you can’t see… since your eyes are reading this, now would be a great time to strike! BOO! Ghosts are everywhere. I use the metaphor of ghost to represent someone with depression, as well as depression itself. Depression can be difficult to detect, fill people with dread, and some people don’t even believe that it’...