Is Pharma a Scam?

 Matias Lopez Carrete

Science Topic of Interest



Is Pharma a Scam?

Are all pharmaceutical companies corrupt? Do some of them do good? Do they try to rob the common man by selling a so-called cure to a sickness or disease? How do we address the drug prices in the US? 


These are my genuine questions that I have been thinking about recently, and I think this is because of the presidential debate and Luigi murdering Brian. Which really sparked this, because me and my girlfriend had a huge debate on the healthcare system in the US and the Pharmaceuticals in the US a couple days after this happened.


To give you some background, my mother has been in the pharmaceutical industry her entire life and is now higher up in the ranks, which is probably why I sided more for the protection and support of these pharma companies, most likely for the fear in the moment that there would be some frenzy on healthcare and pharma leaders across the US.


But genuinely my mother speaks a lot about her job and how much she loves it, and all of the drugs she has developed and led, all of the hospitals and clinics she has visited to speak to patients in her focused disease or illness. So, this has obviously been fed into my brain all of my life, and which is why this is my topic of science that I am interested in.


Now you can see the background to my grounding on the take I took in this argument with my girlfriend, which was that pharmaceutical companies (not all, but the majority, I hope) are developing drugs for the greater good of mankind and drug prices are higher than they should be because it gives the money necessary to cover the costs of developing said drug and furthering research into other diseases and drugs. 


I conducted some research and found a study in the NIH done by Fred D Ledley,  Sarah Shonka McCoy, Gregory Vaughan, and Ekaterina Galkina Cleary, Profitability of Large Pharmaceutical Companies Compared With Other Large Public Companies. In this study, it furthered my point previous about pharma’s charging more for drugs, “From 2000 to 2018, the profitability of large pharmaceutical companies was significantly greater than other large, public companies”. 


Now obviously the biggest question is what do pharmaceutical companies do with these larger profits. To which my answer is R&D, which is also answered by this study conducted by the Congressional Budget Office, which has showed that, “Pharmaceutical companies have devoted a growing share of their net revenues to R&D activities, averaging about 19 percent over the past two decades. By comparison, other research-intensive industries, like software and semiconductors, averaged about 15 percent.” 


Unlike Mr.Hawking, who believes that there will eventually be a unified theory on the laws on physics, I am more like Professor Horgan, I believe that scientists and more specifically Pharmaceuticals do not know everything or know how science will explain everything, because genes and diseases mutate. So Pharmaceuticals will always have to spend money on research, hence why they have a higher profit margin than most other companies.


Do not get me wrong though, I do know there have been many companies that have been corrupt and I also think there are many dark examples to the pharmaceutical industry. For example, insulin, which is just the medical device being paid for to inject the insulin into your body, because insulin doesn’t change, it just the injector, that’s shady and messed up. 


Although, I think the US is taking shade onto the wrong part of the industry. Obviously when people get upset with drug prices, the first finger they point to is to the Pharma’s, but that’s pointless. Sure you can get nitty gritty about all the corrupt and greedy companies to overcharge on drugs, but take this in practice in a perfect world. You can’t cut profits on the Pharma’s, then no research would be done and no drugs would be produced. So, what is the solution. Enter the middlemen, the PBM’s or your CVS, Cigna, and ironically enough UnitedHealthCare, which these three make up 80% of the market share.


These guys are inflating drug prices like crazy, and has gone under the radar of many. Not until now, the FTC is now currently suing these three giants because “These powerful middlemen may be profiting by inflating drug costs and squeezing Main Street pharmacies”. This is where the focus on drug prices should be set on and regulated more, rather than regulating the prices on Pharmaceutical companies, who are simply trying to keep up with the inflation in this country. And speaking from experience, there are many unhappy campers in the pharma industry, many without jobs and soon to be without one. My mother’s company went through 6 layoffs in the past year and many other companies are following suit. The happy campers in all of this, the PBM’s. Take note.











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