Unlocking the Vault
Unlocking the Vault Stacy Shang A pattern of forgetfulness crept into my daily existence, intricately linked to my experiences of trauma. This isn't merely about misplacing keys or forgetting what I ate yesterday; it's a profound alteration in how my mind processes and recalls memories. Trauma has reshaped my mind, leaving vast patches of obscurity where clarity once resided. I've found that moments of intense stress and emotional duress have had a significant impediment on my memory retention, leading to a phenomenon where much of the trauma seems to be locked away, inaccessible through normal recollection efforts. This personal observation has propelled me to explore deeper into the realms of psychological and neurobiological research to answer a pressing question: How do traumatic experiences influence memory formation and recall, and what are the underlying neurobiological processes that contribute to these changes? This essay seeks to unravel the complex interactions b...