The Biblical Flood That ‘Began’ History! Meltwater Pulse 1A
How ‘history’ disregards Earth’s cataclysms and its affect on past, present, and future humans.
By Gianangelo Dichio
Imagine a flood 1000 feet tall and flowing at 100 miles per hour! This was one of the Missoula floods that ended the last ice age 14,600 years ago during what was called Meltwater Pulse 1A (MWP 1A).
The Younger Dryas was the period of time after the 10–15ºC increase in temperature that caused MWP 1A when the temperature plummeted 10–20ºC sending the Earth back down to glacial temperatures until the end of the Younger Dryas when, once again, temperatures rapidly increased by 10–15ºC leading into the Holocene. This caused the supposed Meltwater Pulse 1B, a more debatable Meltwater Pulse than 1A that is important to note in this article, but a behemoth of a topic in itself. For now we will stick to MWP 1A, Younger Dryas, and Earthly Cataclysms!
The above graphic pairs well with the visualization below depicting the change in temperature since the last glacial maximum on Earth. Notice how at the time of the younger dryas (around 13–12 kya), the temperature gets warmer, very quickly gets colder, and then gets warmer again.
Hypotheses for the Younger Dryas include Quick Atmospheric Climate Change and The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis.
Some other cataclysmic events that could have caused MWP 1A and the Younger Dryas include a:
- solar flare that scorches the earth and makes the surface uninhabitable,
- meteor that causes mass destruction and sends Earth into a dark winter,
- super volcano eruption that similarly causes destruction and darkness.
A Genesis Sized Flood — MWP 1A and The Missoula Floods
In his research on the “Missoula Floods,” Professor in the Department of Geology at the Colorado School of Mines, Keenan Lee, finds that Lake Missoula within the great North American ice sheet, began to debase the ice sheet and break free during MWP 1A (14.6 kya).
The lake was located on the western border of Montana and had a flood path in the pacific north-west releasing 386 million cubic feet per second, around 9.4 cubic miles per hour!
To provide a size reference, the empire state building is around 1200 feet tall and has a volume of 37 million feet cubed. This flood was like a wall of 10 empire state buildings being released from the lake per second!
Lee’s research found there to be just over 500 cubic miles of water in Lake Missoula! That is roughly the volume of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario combined.
However, research published in Earth Science Reviews shows that the Glacial Lake Missoula refilled and flooded many times, likely causing more than a hundred floods. The following is the excerpt from the paper on the Missoula and Bonneville Floods. (The full paper is worth a read, or at least a skim.)
Stratigraphic studies indicate dozens — likely more than a hundred — separate Missoula floods during the last glacial period.Over the length of the flood route, backwater areas and depositional basins preserve multiple flood beds, many of which are separated by signs of time, including volcanic ash layers and soil development in subaerial environments; and varve-like beds and pelagic mud layers in lacustrine and marine settings.Evidence also comes from the glacial Lake Missoula basin, where stratigraphy indicates dozens of filling and emptying cycles.Varve counts in conjunction of radiocarbon dating and paleomagnetic secular variation show the repeated filling-and-release cycles of glacial Lake Missoula had intervals possibly as long as 100 years early in the lake’s history but diminished to just one or two years for the last few floods.This behavior accords with jökulhlaup-style floods released by subglacial drainage from a self-dumping ice-dammed lake.But not yet clear is whether such a mechanism applies to all the floods or if some emptied more cataclysmically as hypothesized by some. — The Missoula and Bonneville floods — A review of ice-age megafloods in the Columbia River basin
So what did the flood do to the land?
As any flood with the flow of 10 empire state buildings per second would, the Missoula Floods left lasting impacts on the land and the environment such as:
- Canyons and Scablands,
- Basins and pot holes,
- Death, Destruction, & …Boulders!
Boulders. Megalithic rocks deposited across the pacific north-west that provide us with evidence on the death and destruction that the Missoula Floods left in their path.
These boulders help us understand that the volume of water being released from the lake was large enough to not only tear up the Earth, but to move monstrous glaciers across the Earth, leaving a path of thoroughly ripped apart plant and wild life.
“Under what conditions did this great slaughter take place, in which millions upon millions of animals were torn limb from limb and mingled with uprooted trees?”-catastrophist Emmanuel Velikovsky in “Earth In Upheaval”
In the Alaskan muck lie the remains of the death and destruction of plant and wild life by flood. Velikovsky elegently describes how the muck provides evidence for volcanic eruptions, continental shifts, and massive waves in the following excerpt. (Feel free to only read the bolded parts.)
The mainstream hypothesis on the extinction of the megafauna is that the Clovis people in North America hunted them to extinction, which is possible, but less likely when you consider the massive cataclysms that occurred in North America and the massacre that ensued."I N ALASKA, to the north of Mount McKinley, the tallest mountain in North America, the Tanana River joins the Yukon. From the Tanana Valley and the valleys of its tributaries gold is mined out of gravel and “muck.” This muck is a frozen mass of animals and trees.F. Rainey of the University of Alaska described the scene: * “Wide cuts, often several miles in length and sometimes as much as 140 feet in depth, are now being sluiced out along stream valleys tributary to the Tanana in the Fairbanks District. In order to reach gold-bearing gravel beds an overburden of frozen silt or ‘muck’ is removed with hydraulic giants. This ‘muck* contains enormous numbers of frozen bones of extinct animals such as the mammoth, mastodon, super-bison and horse.” ^1 F. Rainey, “Archaeological Investigation in Central Alaska,” American Antiquity, V (1940), 305.2 The horse became extinct In pre-Columbian America; the present horses in the Western Hemisphere are descendants of imported animals.These animals perished in rather recent times; present estimates place their extinction at the end of the Ice Age or in early post-glacial times. The soil of Alaska covered their bodies together with those of animals of species still surviving.Under what conditions did this great slaughter take place, in which millions upon millions of annuals were torn limb from limb and mingled with uprooted trees?F. C. Hibben of the University of New Mexico writes: “Although the formation of the deposits of muck is not clear, there is ample evidence that at least portions of this material were deposited under catastrophic conditions. Mammal remains are for the most part dismembered and disarticulated, even though some fragments yet retain, in their frozen state, portions of ligaments, skin, hair, and flesh. Xwisted and torn trees are piled in splintered masses. . . . At least four considerable layers of volcanic ash may be traced in these deposits, although they are extremely warped and distorted. …”3Could it be that a volcanic eruption killed the animal population of Alaska, the streams carrying down into the valleys the bodies of the slaughtered animals? A volcanic eruption would have charred the trees but would not have uprooted and splintered themj if it killed animals, it would not have dismembered them. The presence of volcanic ash indicates that a volcanic eruption did take place, and repeatedly, in four consecutive stages of the same epoch; but it is also apparent that the trees could have been uprooted and splintered only by hurricane or flood or a combination of both agencies. The animals could have been dismembered only by a stupendous wave that lifted and carried and smashed and tore and buried millions of bodies and millions of trees. Also, the area of the catastrophe was much greater than the action of a few volcanoes could have covered.Muck deposits like those of the Tanana River Valley are found in the lower reaches of the Yukon in the western part of the peninsula, on the Koyukuk River that flows into the Yukon from the north, on the Kuskokwim River that empties its waters into Bering Sea, and at several places along the Arctic coast, and so “may be considered to extend in greater or lesser thickness over all unglaciated areas of the northern peninsula.” 43 F. C. Hibben, “Evidence of Early Man in Alaska,” American Antiquity, VIII (1943), 256.What could have caused the Arctic Sea and the Pacific Ocean to irrupt and wash away forests with all their animal population and throw the entire mingled mass in great heaps scattered all over Alaska, the coast of which is longer than the Atlantic seaboard from Newfoundland toFlorida? Was it not a tectonic revolution in the earth’s crust, that also caused the volcanoes to erupt and to cover the peninsula with ashes?In various levels of the muck, stone artifacts were found “frozen in situ at great depths and in apparent association” with the Ice Age fauna, which implies that “men were contemporary with extinct animals in Alaska.” * Worked flints, characteristically shaped, called Yuma points, were repeatedly found in the Alaskan muck, one hundred and more feet below the surface. One such spear point was found there between a lion’s jaw and a mammoth’s tusk.6 Similar weapons were used only a few generations ago by the Indians of the Athapascan tribe, who camped in the upper Tanana Valley.7 “It has also been suggested that even modern Eskimo points are remarkably Yuma-like,” 8 all of which indicates that the multitudes of torn animals and splintered forests date from a tune not many thousand years ago."
Randall Carlson, a cataclysmic geologist states that over half the megafauna on Earth were dead post-deluge with the following extinct; the Woolly mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed cats, dire wolves, giant beavers, armadillos and camels, elephant-sized sloths, elk with 12-foot antler spans, giant bears that stood 6 feet tall at the shoulder, and woolly rhinos.
So why should we care about some prehistoric flood?
So during supposed hunter-gatherer times, such as 15,000 years ago, pre-deluge, a much higher percentage of the population, most likely more than 90%, must have lived on the coasts of bodies of water, and any primitive civilization that could have existed, was most likely submerged.
Since the sea levels increased worldwide, this point does not only hold for the North American coasts. This holds for coastlines worldwide, in fact, as there were most likely tsunamis due to these floods and more floods around the world during Meltwater Pulse 1A, coastal civilizations around the globe were most likely devoured by the flood.
Humans Past, Present, and Future
The following are the apocalyptic cataclysms that could end us:
- Solar Flare
- Meteor Impact
"The generally agreed upon theory is that on the morning of June 30, 1908, a large space rock, about 120 feet across, entered the atmosphere of Siberia and then detonated in the sky." — NASA’s Near Earth Object Program
Although the likelyhood of Earth getting hit by an asteroid may seem low, the last fairly large meteor strike was this Tunguska meteor of which had the blast of a 15 megaton nuke (1000 times Hiroshima bomb). The meteor most likely came from the Taurid Meteor Stream that passes by Earth in late June and early November. If we were to be hit by space rock, it would be then.
- Super Volcano Eruption
To the far left of the graphic, we see Yellowstone’s largest eruption 2.1 million years ago, and to the far right we see the larger Toba Eruption only 70,000 years ago!
The largest volcano in the past 2 million years was only 70,000 years ago. On top of that, anthropologist Stanley H. Ambrose writes in his 1998 paper “Late Pleistocene human population bottlenecks, volcanic winter, and differentiation of modern humans” that there was a bottleneck in the human population dropping the population to 10,000 humans! Since 1998, this topic has been heavily debated and strong evidence in the paper, “Subdecadal phytolith and charcoal records from Lake Malawi, East Africa imply minimal effects on human evolution from the ∼74 ka Toba supereruption” argues against this bottleneck.
A more recent example of a large cataclysm, the Tonga Eruption in January 2022 was a VEI 5.7 volcano eruption causing an abnormally large amount of water to be evaporated into the stratosphere (suspected to increase global warming).
Even if all of these cataclysms are unlikely, we humans forget that there are unknown unknowns; as the late US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfelds said,
“There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don’t know.”- Donald Rumsfeld
To save the human race and our knowledge, we must embrace (Hegel’s Premise of History) that our human past is not as linear as we believe; if we lost human knowledge in the past (by cataclysm), the same could happen to us.
I am quite passionate about this topic and would like to thank Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson for inspiring me to research topics of ancient history and unsolved mysteries. I would also like to thank John Horgan for guiding my journalism journey. Thank you 🙏🏼Further Reading
Fingerprints Of The Gods — Graham HancockMissoula Floods — Randall Carlson
Younger Dryas sea level and meltwater pulse 1B recorded in Barbados reef crest coral Acropora palmata
Reconsidering melt-water pulses 1A and 1B: Global impacts of rapid sea-level rise
Paleontologists discover solid evidence of formerly elusive abrupt sea-level jump
Sedimentological and morphological evidences of Meltwater Pulse 1B in the Southwestern Atlantic Margin
Transient rheology in sea level change: Implications for Meltwater Pulse 1A
Mangrove sediment erosion in the Sunda Shelf during meltwater pulses: Insights from biomarker records
Deglacial–Holocene Svalbard paleoceanography and evidence of meltwater pulse 1B
EARLY HOLOCENE SEA LEVEL RISE — — many good sources
NEO Observation Program NASA
Climate Endgame: Exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios
See 24,000 years of climate history at a glance
Milankovitch (Orbital) Cycles and Their Role in Earth’s Climate
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