Ketamine Therapy: Game Changer or Brain Danger?
In the past two decades, Ketamine therapy as well as other psychedelic treatment has become a more and more viable option for those with depression that has resisted all other forms of treatment. Due to the “War on Drugs” started by the Nixon Administration in the 1970s, many have been raised to believe the falsehoods claimed to be truth by national leaders and their many forms of propaganda against psychedelics. Some of these false claims went so far as to say that these drugs could cause suicide, insanity, or could even alter our DNA. Since these messages were put out so intensely with the intent to spread fear, many households took note and raised children and grandchildren to fear such substances without any true knowledge about what the substances could actually induce or contain, besides the fact that they were illegal. Due to the halt on any progress or research done on these substances after this point, it wasn’t until the early 2000’s that it was seen as an opportunity for the...