Turning a Blind Eye to Climate Change
As much as the media and large movement groups spread the word about climate change and its daunting repercussions, most people forget about these issues immediately after they read about them. Such climate issues are far more impactful on our lives and future generations than other things we may focus on like material possessions or the countless forms of media we consume on a daily basis. Everyday when advertisements based on climate change are posted on one's timeline, they usually scroll right through, and give their attention to something which may grab their attention in the moment, but will have no meaning in the long term. So how can climate change activists catch people’s attention without making it so easy to dismiss? By finding out why and how people can continue to ignore such important issues so effortlessly, we may find more solutions and a way to attract more participation.
Since most people don’t see how climate change is affecting the planet throughout their daily routine, it is easy to pretend it doesn’t exist; especially since there are countless, more apparent, situations that require our full attention every day. This indicates that there is a high psychological distance that causes many to feel that the consequences of climate change are a far away problem. In order to make people act, it may be effective to show and inform them how climate change is affecting places that they are close to in proximity. For example it may be useful to inform the people of Hoboken and New York City how rising sea levels can greatly impact them and cause worse floods and damages similar to those of hurricane sandy.
The way we receive this information also greatly affects how seriously we take it. Most of the time it is through paid advertisements that we attempt to skip through as quickly as possible no matter what is being shown. One possible solution would be to inform and promote climate change awareness through multiple mediums that reach all types of audiences. Studies show that Republican and Independent voters are less likely to trust in scientists recommending changes in behavior to stop climate change. While Democratic voters mostly feel the opposite. (Palm) This is likely due to the fact that since they disagree with Democratic leaders and activists, Republicans will discredit the message without giving it much thought. If we can reach groups with all types of ideologies, through various sources and leaders then they may give more thought to this issue of climate change that has real facts to support it and does not discriminate against who it affects.
Climate change is so daunting because as individuals we feel that we have no power and are constantly being told how much we are messing up the planet. Whenever there is an attempt to garner support to fight against climate change, it usually instills fear in people and causes them to feel as if our society has already failed. By informing people on how their community and local leaders have already been making changes, it can motivate them to continue this behavior as they will identify more with those they look up to. At Stevens Institute of Technology, there are many instances where resources are being conserved in the form of solar panels, charging stations for electric transportation, and entire buildings dedicated to significant water and energy conservation. (Stevens) All of these forms of conservation are very visible to those of us who attend and live near the university. This results in students and staff who identify with the institution to feel motivated to take further action as they already are simply by attending these facilities. This type of ideology should be used by all establishments, especially large corporations which have a worldwide presence and impact on the environment with countless products or services that are consumed by the masses.
Before we can find clear solutions for climate change, our society needs first to gain the support of those who are not willing to change their lifestyle and habits. A crucial first step is to reach them through the sources where they rely on for information and will identify with the most. By gaining support through positive reinforcement and adapting to the beliefs of various groups, then conflicting groups may be able to find a common ground. Within establishments and groups, each member can set an example for their peers and show how easy it can be to change habits that make a big difference.
Justin Saldana
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