Eco-Culprits Unmasked
Eco-Culprits Unmasked By Kirstin Halliday In the theater of global climate change, a narrative steeped in evasion and finger-pointing plays out on a grand scale. While the world burns, melts, and gasps for breath, the spotlight is cunningly shifted away from the architects of our demise towards those least equipped to effect real change: the individual consumer. Corporations and governments skillfully avoid responsibility by carefully shifting the blame, sustaining the false narrative that individual decision-making is sufficient to prevent environmental disaster. So what is the truth behind this smokescreen? The underlying cause of our environmental deadlock is a long-standing philosophical ailment, originating from the works of philosophers such as Descartes, who promoted a dualism between nature and humans, viewing the latter as nothing more than a resource for human use. By portraying nature as an endless resource at humanity's disposal, this worldview has justified the unrele...