CRISPR in a New Dimension: Alive in Virtual Reality
“Clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats”, or CRISPR, are sequences found in bacterial genomes that indicate previous viral attacks. CRISPR and Cas proteins allow bacteria to recognize and disarm future invading viruses [1] . In gene editing, the CRISPR-Cas9 system allows scientists to cut DNA to alter gene expression which treats genetic diseases such as sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis. In my Cellular and Molecular Biology course, I conducted a CRISPR virtual reality (VR) lab. The purpose of the simulation was to use CRISPR techniques to correct the mutated DNA and cure the individual of sickle cell disease [2] . The simulation began with the affected individual showing the symptoms of extreme pain, paleness, yellow eyes, and weakness. The simulation zoomed into the body starting with the tissue and entering through the bone. The blood vessels were seen and inside, some red blood cells were traveling throughout the vessel. Turning my head, there was a build-up of s...